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Man Homeless for Seven Years, Finally has a Place of His Own!

Mr. Shavers made one simple call that would change his life. When Mr. Shavers called the West Tennessee Homeless Hotline in late February 2015, he reported that he was living in his truck, and had been homeless off and on since 2008. He couldn’t seem to get the help that he needed to get into a stable environment, with a safe and affordable home of his own. Shavers first experienced homelessness when the construction industry collapsed in 2008; he then began living out of his truck. In the summer of 2010, Mr. Shavers moved to Texas to take care of his aunt, who he had heard was very sick; he lived with and cared for his aunt for two short months before she sadly passed, and once again, he was left with nowhere and no one to turn to. Mr. Shavers then lived in a tent in the woods in Texas, enduring the harsh cold and heat with just the protection of a thin lined tent to protect him from the elements. In the winter of 2013, Mr. Shavers learned that he had inherited a truck from his father who had passed away suddenly; this was the truck he called home until he called our hotline in February 2015. Once Mr. Shavers called, and his prescreening was completed, our wonderful outreach worker was put on the case. Our outreach worker strives to help those who are truly homeless in our area, and after he saw that Mr. Shavers was living out of his truck, he did everything in his power to try and house him as quickly as possible. Mr. Shavers is now in a place of his own, living happily with his dog Bud. All it took was one simple call for Mr. Shaver’s life to turn around, to get grounded once again, and finally, after years of battling homelessness, Mr. Shaver’s has a home of his own. We are glad to be a part of your success story Mr. Shavers!

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